Saturday, December 31, 2005

Ultimate Political Correctness

I have a question for everyone...

Instead of saying Season's Greetings, or Happy Holidays, would it not be more politically correct to not acknowledge the holidays at all. To simply say have a nice day. It would be less festive, but heaven forbid we give up our precious hypocrisy.

Yes, to claim political correctness, then say Happy Holidays is hypocritical. You can't forget about the atheists.

I still prefer being politically incorrect... It is more fun that way.

Until next time...

Another Year Over...

Yes, it is New Year's Eve yet again... What have we learned over the past year.

I learned that while the Liberals are corrupt, the next best thing are not the Conservatives. I learned many things concerning politics, including the fact that I am a very left-winged liberal.

I learned that Waterworld is the worst movie in all of creation. I learned that having a blog helps me relax a bit more, and lastly I learned that I just might get into university after all, contrary to my parent's beliefs.

I learned all of this. What did you learn? What have we as a society learned?

Will we ever learn?

Until next time...

Thursday, December 29, 2005

I Need a Break from Life

What I need, is a break from everything... No nagging worries about money, or work, or school in the background... Just generally a complete holiday from reality.

I am so sick of worrying whether or not I will have money for University... I am so sick of constant money woes in my house. I am tired of having to worry about whether or not I will have a ride up to school come February for my Co-op... It is driving me around the bend.

On top of it all now, my one portal into relaxation... my one escape, has been taken from me, as I have no way to top up my Puzzle Pirates account until I can get a credit card. My family cant seem to understand that Puzzle Pirates is just a way for me to unwind from the constant stress, because reading just has not been working lately...

I am tired... both emotionally and physically. I'm just tired...

Until next time...

Saturday, December 24, 2005

I Wish You a Merry Christmas

Yes, that is right... I said Christmas.

Not Happy Holidays, not Seasons Greetings... Merry Christmas.

I fail to see how saying Merry Christmas is even all that offensive. All I am doing is wishing good will upon you, what is the problem with that? Why do I need to filter out my religious beliefs to soften the blow of my good will towards mankind?

If a person said Happy Hanukkah to me, I would not be offended... I would be happy, then wish them a Merry Christmas. I might then wish them a Happy Hannukah right back. It isn't that I'm insensitive, it is just that I think that if you eliminate all of our differences, and blend us together, you get a pretty boring world.

My biggest complaint is things like the "Holiday Tree" in Toronto. Who are they kidding? Noone thinks of it as anything but a Christmas tree. People who celebrate Hannukah don't put up a Hannukah tree, nor do people who celebrate Kwanzaa, or any other holiday around this time of year. It is a Christmas tradition to put up a tree. Either they should not put up a tree, or call it a Christmas tree and stop patronizing everyone involved. It is not right, it helps noone, and it ticks me off.

I am happy to report that I have not been wished a happy holiday this year. I have been wished a Merry Christmas every time. I say to those who get offended easily... Get over it, and lighten up. I'm not trying to be offensive, I'm just trying to enjoy the best holiday of the year.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Im Going to be Sick...

It is all breaking up around me.
My family is falling apart.
Stress and worry have gripped us,
I feel it in my heart.

When will it get better?
Noone seems to know...
Could this all be my fault?
For we reap what we sow.

I feel sick to my stomach.
There is a pounding in my brain.
I seem to have no energy...
It's all gone down the drain.

I suppose I can only hope,
That things could get better still.
I just don't know...
If they ever will...

Until next time...

Monday, December 19, 2005

Weekend from Hell Itself

On Friday, things were looking up. I was home from school due to a snow day... It was one week till Christmas, and all was well in the Clark household.

Then... disaster struck. My mother, while exiting her place of work, slipped and fell on some ice that had not been taken care of. She broke her leg in three seperate places. If you were to look at a normal leg bone, it splits into two sections as you go down, leaving a hole in the middle until the bones rejoin eachother. My mother broke both halves, essentially snapping the bone in half. She also broke her ankle.

My mother is currently lying on our couch downstairs, waiting for her Perkocet prescription to come in. Workers compensation could take a month, then there is the matter of her second job, where she is not eligible for workers comp. So there has been talk of a lawsuit.

That itself is pretty bad, but it doesnt stop there.

Yesterday, my grandmother collapsed; doubled over in pain. She is currently resting at my local hospital. The doctors still do not know what is wrong. I hope to God that she is okay, but my relationship with God could use a little work. Maybe it would be better if I had been in a church since mid-September 2001, when I attended my cousin's wedding.

So yes... my weekend has been a hellish one. I can only hope my week will be better.

I can only hope...

Until next time...

Saturday, December 17, 2005


I head off to whatever university will allow me to attend, this coming September. My top choices are Nipissing, Trent, Trent at UOIT, and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, in that order.

Nipissing is in North Bay, several hours from my home. I like the look of campus life at Nipissing, and something about North Bay appeals to me. I like to live in smaller towns, they seem more personal, and are generally quieter.

Trent is my second choice. Trent is in Peterborough, and is about an hour from home. The campus life at Trent is excellent, and it is easiest for me to get into, in terms of marks. Peterborough is a reasonable sized town, and I can live up there, and still come home fairly often. The downside is that residence at Trent seems to be prohibitively expensive for me.

Trent also offers courses through UOIT, which is about the same distance away from my home as is my high school. Trent at UOIT does not offer all the courses I want though, but the tradeoff is that I would not have to pay residence fees, as I would be living at home.

Lastly UOIT. It is close to home, it is cheap, and it is fairly small. There are no residence charges, because again, I would live at home, and lastly my parents would put my car on the road (It is broken down as of right now). UOIT does not offer the social sciences I want though, so I will probably will not be attending UOIT.

I want to go to Nipissing, my parents want me to live at home, but they will consider Trent. What is a student to do.

Until next time...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

All (Do not) Hail the Aligned Heavens

I retract my earlier post saying to hail them. In fact, you should shun them.

Hail the Twisted Fate

Until next time...

Why are we afraid to talk?

Everyone is so afraid to talk to one another. Do we fear the scorn of others? Do we fear that others will mock us? Or not approve of something about us? I'm not saying they wont, but to do so... ever; creates an environment in which one is disinclined to talk to others about their problems.

It only takes a few moments of scorn at a younger age to make a person wary of ever letting their true self show, to make a person not want to talk, and to not want to be around others. The more mockery there is, the more the person may withdraw. I know what that is like...

People, especially families, need to have an atmosphere of absolute honesty, without personal attacks, without scorn, and without fear of mockery or disapproval. Then open discussion can take place, trust can develop, and that may lead to a happier, more honest world. People will be less closed off, and perhaps they will be happier.

That is how I see it anyways...

Until next time...

Slander... It is a Horrible thing

You know what I don't appreciate? Having my good name slandered. Having baseless attacks randomly hurled at me. It is wrong, and it should not be allowed.

Allowing people to go around spreading lies about others, regardless of their age, or anything about the person lying, is wrong. It is wrong regardless of what they are saying, whether it be a joke or not. It must be stopped.

Freedom of expression does not allow for this kind of crap, because it damages my reputation, and has an effeect on my life. Especially when you consider my chosen career path, and the lie told in the case I refer to.

So... lets call him Rick. If you are reading this... Leave me alone. It is slander no matter how you slice it. Also, this is not libel, for two good reasons. One, that what I have said is the truth; and two, I gave you a fake name. Which protects you quite nicely; which is more than you deserve, you jackass.

Still not libel.

Until next time...

Monday, December 12, 2005

Where is the line?

At what point does one act towards his own wants, rather than another's needs? Is this action right? Is it moral? Is it wrong to have more than one television while so many do not have a roof over their head?

Where are inherited talents in a society where survival of the fittest no longer applies? What is the point of them in a capitalist society? Or even more so in a communist society? Where is the evolution?

Inherited traits, if no longer important, are then no longer a factor in procreation. In a society where natural immunity is no longer a factor for humans, due to medical science, how are we supposed to advance biologically. The short answer is that in all likelyhood, we will not.

Survival of the fittest is dead... Natural selection; even more so... Humans base decisions now on emotion, especially in the area of having children. From a social standpoint this is fine... desirable even, but we are completely screwing with evolution.

We will, in all likelyhood, never evolve beyond where we are now, not naturally anyways. Which is fine, we dont really need to... at least as far as I can see. We will have to go the way of social evolution, in that we change our behaviour, we advance our technology, we advance our culture and our way of life.

Unfortunately, there are factors stopping this as well. Standing in the way of science, is those who let religion impede scientific progress, be that in the form of attacks on the theory of evolution, or continued opposition to cloning. Standing in the way of advancement for our culture is ignorance. People opposed to legislation that will advance civil rights, and is usually the will of the majority. People who attack those who are different. It all goes towards slowing societal progress to a standstill.

How will we advance and make ourselves better if both natural selection and societal evolution cannot exist. The answer is quite simply that we cannot. Fear, ignorance, hate. greed and general stupidity stand in the way of our advancement.

We fear the unknown, because we don't understand it. As a result, we don't learn about it, causing ignorance. This ignorance is easily twisted into hate, and hate completely goes against the common good of our society. Greed takes away from the needy needlessly, and while many of my friends would disagree with me, noone needs forty billion dollars. Finally; general stupidity... It is one of the many things in our world that could be stopped with some education. It is the force that advance fear, to ignorance, to hate. It is such a shame that it still exists.

So where does this leave me in regards to my original question? It is an indirect link I suppose. That we can help them, by sharing what we can, not to directly help them necessarily; though that may be an option, but to support advancements that work for sustainable sustainable development.

For instance, the Lifestraw... this straw can filter contaminated enough groundwater for one person for an entire year.The cost is just five dollars, and it could save millions from suffering from disease needlessly. This is an advancement that will help, and supporting this kind of thing seems to be the least that we can do.

Until next time...

Adulthood... Thy Name is Tomorrow

I turn eighteen tomorrow. Precisely at nine-o-clock in the morning, eastern standard time, to be exact. At that moment, adulthood and all of its rights and privileges will be mine. I will be able to vote, to get a credit card and to drink alcohol in certain provinces. I will be able to do so much, yet the day feels muted somehow.

I just expected more... perhaps some feeling of accomplishment, I suppose. I guess it doesnt help that the gift I really wanted will never come (See: A Pox Upon the Amazons). That continues to tick me off.

Oh well... what is a person to do...

Until next time...

Glory to the Shadow Walkers

This is my newly founded crew on Puzzle Pirates. It is on the Midnight ocean, and we are quickly growing. I invite all of my readers to download the game, and join my crew. There is a great opportunity for advancement, and with more crewmates, I can pillage more often.

So I invite you all. I am Shadowlost in-game, come and track me down. Fair seas to you all.

Until next time...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Problem with Democracy

My friend is running as the Libertarian Party Candidate for my riding. I'm not sure which scares me more. The fact that there is a chance he could win, or the fact that the system I am forced to trust in will allow someone who has been investigated over a shotgun he owns to run for the hallowed position of Member of Parliament.

I thank the democracy gods that he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. I plan on voting NDP. Margaret Sadem-Thomson, all the way. I would vote for the liberal party, but they are too corrupt, and the conservatives scare me with their policies.

Hurrah for uncorrupted liberalism.
Damn the corrupted ones to hell.

Until next time...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

It's not Easy with ADD

It just isnt. I have to take Concerta (Ritalin) every day... even on weekends. I have been taking it for 10 years, and it is really getting it hard when I forget to take it.

When I forget... I am tired, I am groggy, and not only am I not attentive, but it can be hard to focus my eyes at times. It is like a Ritalin hangover... it is hard.

I point out that it is easier when I do take it. I dont mean easier than the withdrawl effects (I think it is withdrawl), I mean easier than dealing with my natural inattentive self. I like myself on the Ritalin.

When I dont take my Ritalin, my eyes unfocus on their own... my mind wanders, and I space out easily... kind of like being high I suppose... which is why I probably wont be taking drugs any time soon.

This post was written late at night on a day when I didn't take my Ritalin. It is easier, mainly because when I am tired, the reverse to normal is true. When I am tired, i need my mind to be able to make quick decisions to be able to make any at all. Ritalin would just slow my brain down way too much. In the day, I am alert enough to be able to afford myself that time.

With me on the school trivia team, it makes me wonder which is better, quick reflexes or quick mind. Should I be able to hit the buzzer fast, or get more answers?... I need a happy medium.

Oh well.

Until next time...

Monday, December 05, 2005

What do I support?

I support two things.

Open-mindedness and Logic. These are two things that are sorely lacking in our world.

There is enough hate in the world that I do not need to add more. People who are not hurting you with their choice of lifestyle, should be left alone at best, and not harassed too much at worst. If you feel that you must say something, keep it tasteful, and do not resort to personal attacks. It is your right to say your piece, but you should respect the other person's right to carry on their life as they wish to.

Also, I support other people to live the way they want. I would want them to not bother me, I will not bother them. It is the golden rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. No matter your choice of lifestyle, as long as it does not hurt anyone, go for it. It is not my business what you do with your life... so have fun with it.

Logic is also important. If you must argue anything, you should do it while keeping a firm base in logic. You should argue logically, without attacking the person, but rather the issues at hand, and their evidence in a scientific debate.

That is my point... Open-mindedness and logic.

Until next time...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

To Vote or Not to Vote?

That is the question...

It is my opinion that it is every informed citizens civic duty to vote. Anyone who knows anything substantial about the issues should be voting.

It is also my opinion that every citizen who is not informed, has a civic duty... to not vote. Throwing in an uninformed vote is a waste. It is selfish and counter-productive to the electoral process.

In the boat of the uninformed, I also lump in those citizens who would vote based on a personal grudge against a candidate, those who randomly vote, those who base their vote on who they think looks the best, or whose lifestyles they approve of.

Vote based on the issues, and what you believe in... Vote for who you think will do the best job... Vote for who you think will make a positive difference.

I personally support Liberal policies... but I can't support them right now... it is not good for the country to have millions in taxpayer dollars wasted. That could be given to the poor, for instance... or maybe... Me.

I will be voting NDP, because the Conservatives go against everything that I stand for... The NDP would at least enact some social programs.

So good luck NDP, and good luck Liberals if the NDP cant win.

Until next time...

The Deadline Looms Ahead

The deadline for my Accounting ISU looms ahead. I think I will be okay, but who knows. I worry greatly about the written portion. If it fails to get done, I will be having serious doubts about whether or not I can get into University.

The presentation should pose no real problem... I can whip up a bullshitted presentation overnight without any trouble... especially with the help of PowerPoint.

After that, my History ISU is looming a week away, and beyond that my... History ISU again... hmm... too many ISUs for History there.

Im not even sure when my Physics ISU is due... I am worried... it could be any day now.

Until next time...

I Hath Survived the Blood Clinic of the Damned

Last Monday, I gave blood at my school's annual blood clinic. On average it takes me one hour to donate at Westminster United Church. I expected to miss one class. In reality it did not take me one hour, but two and a half! I missed not only History, but also homeroom and my entire lunch, which after giving blood, is a very bad thing to miss.

People were dropping left and right at that blood clinic. They were fainting outright, at the finger-prick to test for iron, they were getting queasy and taking up beds for 45 minutes at a time. It was chaos... absolute chaos.

I put the blame for this not on the nurses that were there that day, nor do I place it on the would-be donators that fainted or got queasy. I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of Canadian Blood Services. It was known from the beginning by Canadian Blood Services, that this clinic, as a school clinic, was a hotspot for first time donators, whom all of those who fainted and got queasy were. Instead of a greater number of nurses, which should have been the case, the clinic was understaffed.

Some blame also goes to those who aggressively pressured some of the would-be donators into donating, myself included, though none of the people I pressured actually donated... To pressure a person into donating goes against the rules of donating. You are not supposed to give blood if you feel as if you have been pressured into doing it.

So fine... I am ticked, and still a little am, a week later. There is a lesson in this... never give blood at school, it will be absolute hell...

But... Do give blood... it is important to.

Until next time...

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Smoking... What do I Think?

I think that anyone who takes up smoking these days is a moron. I do not care what you think of me for saying this. It is true. There is no reason to start now... the information against it is just too public for you to be able to claim ignorance.

If you started smoking more than ten years ago, then fine... keep smoking, though you shouldn't. I wont bother you about it. I wont even bother those who smoke now. Though if you are just starting, it is open season for taking shots at you.

Do not start smoking, is what I am trying to say here. You may as well light a ten dollar bill on fire, let it burn in your hand, and just stand there letting it burn. You will waste time, money and you will burn your hand.

At least you wont be hurting other people.

Until next time...

A Pox Upon the Amazons

I had the first volume of El Goonish Shive on order from It was for my birthday... Happy Birthday to ME.
Then Murphy's Law kicked in... the order is delayed... possibly indefinitely. They were supposed to be able to have it for me by the 13th. They likely never will. Damn I wanted that book... I really did.
So now I take my challenge to the world... E-mail Demand better service... I hope that every person slighted by Amazon, or for that matter, any of these sites, such as Ebay, will e-mail them, will complain, and will spread the word, that these sites are not champions of service.
I hope also that someone will get me that book.
Until next time...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

A New Comic to Add to the List

All I can say is... Ozy and Millie.

As a sufferer of ADHD, I completely support this comic. It is true, and those who dont think it is funny, completely do not understand what having ADD/ADHD is like.

The comic has everything... Reverse Aging Pirates, Gypsy hair curses, A dragon, and so much zen goodness, that it has given me an outlook on life that is helping me deal with a number of people in my life that in the past have bothered me.

Generally I would say that it is in the class of El Goonish Shive. And anyone who has read my blog will know, that El Goonish Shive is at the top.

Until next time...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

A Million Moments of Boredom

This post was originally posted at I typed it for Tom Clarkson. They are my opinions as well, as I certainly wouldnt have typed them out if they were not. Sorry for not originally posting this fact.

For every hour there is a minute... For every minute, there is a second.... For every second, there is a MILLION MOMENTS OF BOREDOM. At least that's how I feel.

Math, you feel like its the most pointless thing in the world, but apparently its not... at least thats what they tell us. Its like 10 years down the road we will scream "Crap I wish I knew how to find the surface area of a sphere. Now my life is ruined! Gah!" Like that's going to happen.

In reality the most pointless thing in the world? Greek History. Sure it can be a little fun... for the first three minutes. After that, it is a swirling vortex of time and boredom... for which I now refer you back to my title.

I now close by saying that most of my classes are pointless, useless and boring as watching a pencil sit on a desk, which is how I have spent my last three history classes. Damn history. Gotta hate history.

One moment down...

Until next time...

So cold, so very... very cold.

Im in a quandary. On the one hand, I got today off due to overly icy roads, but on the other hand, I am fricking FREEZING.

I still continue to love winter, and Canadian winters in particular. They can be so cold, and so fun if you are prepared. But winter can be a harsh, harsh mistress. Dress warm.

At this point in the post I would like to say to all of those who say I havent updated in a while, "These are not the droids you are looking for". Yah, thats right, I quoted Obi Wan Kenobi. Don't mess with me. But really, I apologize for having nothing to gripe about.

School worries me, and my upcoming project worries me more. What will I do... WHAT WILL I DO.... I figure I'll be fine though.

On a final note, I got the EGS book coming to me for my birthday on the 13th, All hail Me!

Until next time...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Graduation, Thy name is tomorrow

Yah, I graduate from high school tomorrow, and I am just thinking about how my life will change, in how I look at it at least.

Any comments are more than welcome, and I would be glad to hear your thoughts on this great time of my life.

Graduation being tomorrow, adulthood simply a month down the road, out on my own in 10 months, things are looking up for me

Until next time...

Friday, November 04, 2005


I feel like I should say something, as I havent updated in a while.

So I will say again, to take a look at El Goonish Shive.

If you do, I will be very happy, Dan Shive will be happy, and the bunnies shalt rejoice.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Are we dooming our future?

The Ontario Liberals have noticed a disturbing trend. Kids are having trouble in school. Oh my! What news!

They have noticed that students have been having trouble in Calculus, grade 10 science (dynamics unit) and Geometry & Discrete Math.

What oh what shall they do...

They are seriously considering pulling Calculus from the curriculum. Dynamics is on the chopping block too. Finally Geometry and Discrete math is already being dropped as a prerequsite for engineering at universities.

What kind of world are we setting ourselves up for, where we have unsafe drivers everywhere.

We are doomed...

Until next time...

Saturday, October 29, 2005

May as well get it out of the way now

While Im offending people with my previous post, I may as well also get out my lack of sympathy for certain people in the path of certain hurricanes.

Rita: Anyone caught in the path of this one that had access to a car and gas, and didnt make an attempt to get out, really was not thinking. This was a Category 5 when people were screaming GET OUT, even if it dropped before landfall. I have a hard time feeling sorry for them

Wilma: This one goes particularly to Canadian tourists in Cancun. We sent down emergency rescue planes that came back empty because people thought it would be an adventure. Any Canadian tourist caught in that deserved whatever they got, you should have left if you got that chance.

Katrina: I have a fair amount of sympathy here, but my frustration more goes to the original city plans. Wow. One, who builds a coastal city below sea level AND below a lake AND in the path of many hurricanes. This was a disaster waiting to happen, and the Superdome... Gah, just Gah.

There, those were the ones that bugged me this year.

In addition though the hurricane season is not over (Hurricane Beta, I laugh at the fact that they had to use Greek letters), so please... Evacuate from them if you can, If you cant, find a way, If you cant find a way, may God help you.

On to tornadoes... I have ZERO sympathy for anyone in tornado alley except for children there. Anyone who lives in tornado alley and complains about tornadoes is a moron. THE NAME OF THE PLACE IS TORNADO ALLEY, ITS CALLED THAT FOR A REASON AND YOU KNOW IT. GAH. If you want to live there... fine, but dont complain to me about it, you have to rebuild every time a tornado occurs, so I cant care anymore, the kids, well they cant exactly move away, so I will feel sorry for them.

On to Earthquakes... I have a fair amount of sympathy here, though my compassion for southeast asia is being spread a little thin here, its just happening too much, and I understand that it isnt a rich region of the planet, but they are happening alot lately is all.

My main problem with earthquakes is people in southern california who complain about the tremors you get. It happens, deal with it, you live next to the best known fault line in the world, I only have even less sympathy for you than the tornado alley people, just because Ive heard Californians complain and their earthquakes are much less destructive. Though at least you build earthquake resistant buildings instead of making them into horrible weapons for your chosen disaster like the tornado alley people do with the trailers.

Also, if there is ever a meltdown at Pickering power plant, I will be driving east, cursing our stupidity. Durham region will be screwed, some moron built one of our Nuclear Power Plants on A FUCKING FAULT LINE. No major ones yet, but just wait, we'll be screwed then.

I live in a hilly area, hundreds of miles inland, near a minor fault line. Im in a safe area. No tornadoes in Durham for hundreds of years I think, No hurricanes since the fifties and then it was technically a tropical storm. (Hazel) No earthquakes that I know of for several years, and when they come, it is more something to talk about, cause they are just something that shakes the house a bit, nothing to fear at all.

That is why I will have sympathy when something goes down. Or if something goes down in some place that is fairly safe from natural disasters. But I find it hard to feel sorry for disaster victims all the time, if your disaster happened in an area it always does. I try but I fail eventually, then I get called insensitive.

I dont know why I even try...
I know I sound insensitive here, and it sparked by the ongoing hurricane season. I am sorry to all those offended here, but I felt like venting and if you dont like it, oh well. I do care, and I may toss them some cash, but to really care, I am finding it harder and harder, especially with all the stupid media coverage, you just get overwhelmed.

Until next time...

Avian Flu to SARS

Is it just me, or has everyone stopped caring.

SARS killed all of 800 worldwide, and attracted thousands and thousands of hours of media attention. It killed the tourism industry of Toronto, and wasted my time in general.

Who was afraid of SARS, please post if you were, cause I want to know if you are out there. I dont think that it was a big deal.

If you got it, which there wasnt a big chance of that happening, you had 98 percent chance of survival, and that is just that low a chance because of the fact that minor cases of SARS might not have been brought to the attention of doctors.

SARS overall was ridiculous. I mean come on, we were worried over nothing. It was a joke.

Avian Flu at least seems more credible.

Im not worried though, if it comes it will come, just like the 1918 one did, it will come if it does.

Now dont peg me as insensitive but honestly we have better medical technology than we did in 1918, we will be fine, I think the estimates are a little high for one thing, and that if the virus does mutate to be virulent in humans that we will get along just fine.

Just a thought though.
While SARS swept the world killing a handful of people (relative to the total population of Earth), the regular flu killed thousands worldwide and we didnt worry about it too much. Just food for thought.

Until next time...

Revenge upon the Child of Evil

I work as a cashier.

I used to work in a different department of my store making pizzas, until one day I realized I hated two of my coworkers.

My old department manager, lets call her Edna. And a coworker, lets call her Joanne.
I dont care about their privacy, I hate them to the very core of my being.
They can thank me if they want that I used enough restraint to not post their full names and addresses.

Anyways. I hate Edna. She is loud, rude, obtrusive. She is rude to customers, rude to coworkers, and doesnt know how to schedule worth a damn. On top of all that, she doesnt know how to run a department, or generally do her job. Everything in that department looks like crap.

More though I hate Joanne. She is the most pushy, arrogant bitch that you will ever meet.
Now note, I have four years of seniority, and 3 more than her. She was a bitch when she started.
She is bossy, she thinks she runs the department and has more authority than me, who was fifth on the list. She was 23rd.

Ninety percent of the reason I left was that Joanne was making my working life a living hell. So I transferred to cash, and that was that.

Now I learn that Edna is in trouble for being rude and that Joanne is on the verge of being fired for the sexual harassment of several of my other coworkers.

All I can do is laugh and smile.

I may return if Joanne gets fired, and if both her and Edna get fired, I think I will.

Until next time...

Friday, October 28, 2005

Lotto 6/49

The most recent Lotto 6/49 jackpot was expected to be around 40 million dollars. It was the highest lottery jackpot in Canadian history. Somewhere in the area of 100 million dollars Canadian was spent on tickets for this one drawing.

One ticket won.
In a small town in Alberta.
54 million, split between 17 people.
In a small town. Wow. Just wow.

Good for them, though I wish I had won.

Then today I heard the craziest thing I thought I had ever heard.

"You would be miserable, and if you got it, I guarantee you that you would come up to me in 12 months time and say 'if I could give it back I would'"

Just No.

That is crazy. If I were that miserable I would give a large portion to charity. Or maybe give some random people living on the street a grand start up.

Maybe I would just give out a thousand dollars to everyone I see in one day.

But I would not give it back.

Maybe I would buy a plane, then... a small island. Then I could fly the plane to the small island, far away from the crazy person that said this ludicrous thing to me.

I roll my eyes at the person who said this.

Until next time...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

And another one bites the dust...

I have been in NYC for a few days, then was sick. As a result I dont know what is happening with Napoleon, why momentum is conserved, what a scalar equation of a plane is, and I have little idea on how to do a bank reconciliation.

My accounting mark is suffering. My God sometimes I cant stand my accounting teacher. He is arrogant about how he handles his class, thinking his way cant be improved upon. His view is that if you make one mistake early on, all resulting totals are wrong and are marked wrong. He carries mistakes through all the way. You should mark it wrong once, especially if it causes me to lose 14 marks on one section alone. Throughout it all, it costed me 35 marks. Out of 200.

One lousy error. I forgot to divide by 12. Isnt that ridiculous or is it just me.

At what point does this stop being ridiculous and start becoming evil and twisted and wrong. This doesnt teach me a lesson. This isnt taking marks off for a lack of knowlege, and it certainly isnt helping me become a better person.

If I made the same mistake at the end, I would lose 1 mark, because I did it at the beginning I lost 35. That is just so sad on his part.


Until next time...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It occurred to me

It occurred to me that noone could just click on a link to start reading El Goonish Shive.

So here you go.

Start reading it today, and appreciate the excellent artwork.

All Hail the Meddling Squirrel (register on the forums to figure out what I am talking about)

Until next time...

I don't understand people

At a really basic level, I don't understand people. I don't get where they are coming from, I don't see where they are going, and I have no idea what the heck is going through their head, especially when they make some of their more... questionable decisions; my brother in particular.

One major point I have is why people insist on taking serious shots at people for their own twisted entertainment, again my brother in particular. Why is this, because it isn't just him, its like all of society. People mocking you and hurting your feelings just to get a cheap thrill. Its sick.


Anyways, on a fundamental level, I don't know what drives people, their decisions, their hopes and dreams. I think it all goes back to my oh so unhappy days in Grade 3. Back in the third grade new things were happening. I had just started at my new school, I was starting to take Ritalin for my ADD, and I wasn't adapting well. As a result, I made the worst move of my life, I withdrew further.

This withdrawl from social life caused me to never really develop all the great social skills that everyone else seemed to. Now don't get me wrong; it isn't like I cant talk to people in casual convesation, its just that I am socially awkward, and it doesn't do well for me. It makes it hard for me to both make new friends, and properly keep up with my older friends. Its just that it is harder for me is all.

The fact that I don't understand people though doesn't shake my faith in society though. I believe that society is capable of so much more if we just put our mind to it. But we don't seem to want to. This is why my faith in society is overshadowed by my cynicism over the fate of humanity. Humanity as a whole is doomed. The individual though has the capacity for such greatness and success, and compassion and caring. Though it is unfortunate that they cannot make enough of a difference to change things for the most part.

Well back to my original point. I dont get people at a basic, fundamental level. I will work on it, but my main plans to become less socially withdrawn have a date to implement them at the beginning of the next school year when I hopefully go to Trent University.

Until next time...

Now I'm ticked again...

I bought a game. I paid $20. Then It never worked. It exited in the middle of the game. And that just pisses me off. I think I may go complain.

I knew I should have paid the 2 bucks for the warranty.


Until next time...


Woohoo, Im getting the all important spam. Seriously though people, spamming the comments of my blog is so lame, please stop it, im looking for serious stuff, and throwing me random advertisements in your random comments is annoying at best.

Anyways, it just means I'm one step closer to having actual readers.

Until next time...

Charity Bracelets

Okay, everyone probably knows what I'm talking about here, but if you dont, I am talking about the charities that have released these rubber bracelets, like the Livestrong ones with messages on them.

If you still dont know, there is no real reason to read my post right now.

Here I go. Today I bought the Kids Help Phone Bracelet, which now rests on my wrist with my Livestrong one. But I have a problem with these ones being released by Nike, and the other ones just being made as cheap knockoffs. This is just stealing from the hands of charities who can actually use the help.

This just pisses me off, it isnt fair, and I think that as a society, we should make a stand... oh well, not like anyone reads this anyways.

Another thing that pisses me off is the people standing outside the World Trade Centre Site in NYC selling their picture books of 9/11. That is just so wrong. They masquerade as charities. Now this is just so wrong. It is also fraud. I call on our society again to put a stop to it. Do not buy them. They are not representing charities, they are not collecting for the victims, they are greedy opportunistic bastards. I call on the New York Police Department to put a stop to this opportunistic shit.


Oh and by the way, if anyone finds a REAL Canadian blood Services Blood donation Bracelet, please tell me, I am looking for one, I am a donor for life, and my clinic doesnt ever have them.

Anyways, until next time...

Help to others

At what point do you help a person.

Not like a favour, or giving them a helping hand. But trying to get them help. You know?

I have a friend who's life is kinda screwing up right now, and they either don't see it, don't want to see it, or are blind.

I feel it is my job as a friend to talk to them about it, but is it really?

Oh, I don't know.

Until next time...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

El Goonish Shive

The primary point behind this post is finally not to vent. Yay. Its usefulness is also entirely dependent on whether I ever get a single reader. I hope I do someday.

Fine. Here we go.

El Goonish Shive is, to my knowledge, the best webcomic I have ever read.
It is written and drawn by a person named Dan Shive.

It starts off a little slow, but within reading 50 strips, you get hooked, and by strip 200 you love it. I reccomend to everyone that you read this work of art in progress. Then register on the forums, which is full of craziness. Then read the filler section and NP section.

It updates three times a week lately, though it used to be 6 and even 7 times, which may return to that soon.

It will completely change your concept of the word weird, though in a completely good PG sort of way. He says it is PG-13, which is probably true, but then these days, with the crap on the news and the crap on TV and the crap in the world, it may as well be G rated for all the harm it will do to kids these days. It is like fine wine, the perceived quality increases with age, as you get all the subtleties.

Once you read it (READ IT) surf on over to some other webcomics on the list. Most notably Inverloch for the older people, and Count Your Sheep for the younger ones.

El Goonish Shive can be reached through my links. Inverloch can be found here and Count Your Sheep here. I read both every time they update, and you should too.

Until next time...

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen

Okay, now I am pissed off. Not only have I just had the worst day in months, but my nice, well thought out post got screwed into oblivion.

GAH! (for those of you who dont know, this is me mentally screaming in frustration)

Long story short

I act childish, brother acts childish and acts like a complete JACKASS
I mess up grandmother's car. Brother treats me like dirt.

I have ADD, its hard to control anger. I have anger issues
My brother has those issues, plus a fine assortment of authority issues as well. He is viewed as being out of control.

GAH, my previous post was much longer.

Oh well, if I decide to type it out later I might.

Until then...

Monday, October 24, 2005


I've read somewhere that schools that start after 9 AM have students that tend to do, on average, 10 percent better on standardized tests.

Now I live across town from my school, and the only available ride i have means i have to be up by 6. Now I go to bed around 11 at least, leaving me with usually about 6 hours of sleep.

This is okay when it happens once a week, but i usually am losing about 10 hours over the weekend.

Now in addition to all this crap i have a job. meaning with 7 hours at school a day (since I'm there an hour early) and my 20 hours a week at work, I am working 55 hours a week. A full time job and then some. I then have to deal with parents yelling at me saying, "why didnt you go into work when they call you"


I just want to lie down and watch star trek and play puzzle pirates, what is so bad about that.

Oh well, what are u going to do.