Saturday, October 29, 2005

Avian Flu to SARS

Is it just me, or has everyone stopped caring.

SARS killed all of 800 worldwide, and attracted thousands and thousands of hours of media attention. It killed the tourism industry of Toronto, and wasted my time in general.

Who was afraid of SARS, please post if you were, cause I want to know if you are out there. I dont think that it was a big deal.

If you got it, which there wasnt a big chance of that happening, you had 98 percent chance of survival, and that is just that low a chance because of the fact that minor cases of SARS might not have been brought to the attention of doctors.

SARS overall was ridiculous. I mean come on, we were worried over nothing. It was a joke.

Avian Flu at least seems more credible.

Im not worried though, if it comes it will come, just like the 1918 one did, it will come if it does.

Now dont peg me as insensitive but honestly we have better medical technology than we did in 1918, we will be fine, I think the estimates are a little high for one thing, and that if the virus does mutate to be virulent in humans that we will get along just fine.

Just a thought though.
While SARS swept the world killing a handful of people (relative to the total population of Earth), the regular flu killed thousands worldwide and we didnt worry about it too much. Just food for thought.

Until next time...

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