Sunday, June 17, 2007

Screw you, Hallmark!

So I think I've come up with a great plan to avoid giving Hallmark and Carlton Cards any further money. I figure that over the years I have spend four dollars or so on cards at least a few dozen times.

So from now on, rather than do that, I will spend five dollars, and do the following:
  1. Get a crisp five dollar bill.
  2. Get a small square envelope.
  3. Write on the five dollar bill "Happy [occasion], Love [Your Name]". Do this preferably with a Sharpie.
  4. Fold it neatly and put it in the envelope.
  5. Seal the envelope and give it to them with the envelope.
See, now there is a few reasons why this is inherently a good idea
  1. You aren't giving money to Hallmark, you are instead giving it to someone you care about.
  2. They will think it is a neat idea.
  3. In some cases, it costs less than the card.
  4. They will get some use out of their "card"
  5. You get the added satisfaction of wondering what the next person getting this five dollar bill will think when they read the message.
So yeah, try it. I find it works quite well, and I haven't given a card in a few months.

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Extenuating Circumstances

Well, I have discovered an ever so slight flaw in the system at my university. With regards to missed assignments and midterms, the only two acceptable excuses are a death in the family, or an illness.

Now as some of you may know, I got into a car accident last Tuesday, thereby preventing me from handing in an assignment. I had to wait more than three hours for the police to arrive, as the damage seemed to be over a thousand dollars.

Apparently, having to wait for police, as the law requires, is not a valid excuse at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. They expect you to break the law, either that, or they are punishing me for getting rear ended.

This is patently ridiculous, it is fundamentally wrong, and it is some sort of legal action waiting to happen, whether it be damages for failing the course, an injunction of some sort, or some punitive damages of some variety. I know we are not an overly litigious nation, but some things need to be stood up for, some battles need to be fought.

Myself, I shall be letting this one slide. The amount of effort, and the reality that I ended up leaving about twenty minutes before police arrived, so I could attend my computer science midterm, prevents me from being able to prove it anyways.

The bureacracy is seriously getting on my nerves.

Until next time...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Life in General

I just don't know what I'm doing lately. It seems like I've been going through the motions for some time now, and I simply do not know what to say, or do to change this. I think I've come to the conclusion that while I do need a change in my life, I'm unsure as to what change that may be, or whether I could handle it.

Of course, I say this in the wake of a car accident that has shaken me up, quite honestly, and made me paranoid of other cars on the road. This disruption to my normal routine just has me so frustrated, but still, at the same time, has left me wanting to shake things up a bit more. To make some sort of change while the mood is there.

I don't know, I think that honestly, I've known what I wanted for some time, and despite the suggestions of others, saying it is easy, that I just need to put myself out there. I suck at meeting new people. I have trouble relating to them, and I get the feeling that I come off as looking standoffish. More to the point, as much as I desire to find a relationship that has meaning, like some of my friends have, I lack both the social finesse, and the confidence to seek this out.

I don't know.

In other news, my education mark has come back, and it turns out I got a B-. Not a stellar mark, but nothing to be ashamed of. It wont be long until I manage to get off of probation. Perhaps only until the end of my next semester.

I worry about the future a lot. In the light of day, I often think that things will be fine, but then I'll stay up at night, trying to figure out where I need to go from here. I try to keep up my marks, stay ahead in school, but what's coming worries me. They say it all the time: Que sera... sera. But, que sera?

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I Hate Other Drivers

Well today has just been a stellar one.

First, I get a headache first thing in the morning, so that takes me down for my calculus lecture. During this period, my brothers proceed to wake me up every twenty or so minutes, as for some strange reason, they made a point not to go to school.

Second, after I drive them into school, at about noon, and go to KFC for a quick bite to eat, I accidentally leave my backpack, including my laptop, on the seat at the restaurant. I realize this a few minutes later up the road. I decide to slow down and use a school as a place to turn around.

Finally, as I slow, a van comes up from behind and slams into me. This shatters my tail light covers, as well as making it so that the trunk wont close flush with the car. Lovely. I waited there for two and a half hours, in which the cops failed to respond.

I am having a lovely day.

Until next time...