Thursday, December 15, 2005

Why are we afraid to talk?

Everyone is so afraid to talk to one another. Do we fear the scorn of others? Do we fear that others will mock us? Or not approve of something about us? I'm not saying they wont, but to do so... ever; creates an environment in which one is disinclined to talk to others about their problems.

It only takes a few moments of scorn at a younger age to make a person wary of ever letting their true self show, to make a person not want to talk, and to not want to be around others. The more mockery there is, the more the person may withdraw. I know what that is like...

People, especially families, need to have an atmosphere of absolute honesty, without personal attacks, without scorn, and without fear of mockery or disapproval. Then open discussion can take place, trust can develop, and that may lead to a happier, more honest world. People will be less closed off, and perhaps they will be happier.

That is how I see it anyways...

Until next time...

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