Saturday, December 24, 2005

I Wish You a Merry Christmas

Yes, that is right... I said Christmas.

Not Happy Holidays, not Seasons Greetings... Merry Christmas.

I fail to see how saying Merry Christmas is even all that offensive. All I am doing is wishing good will upon you, what is the problem with that? Why do I need to filter out my religious beliefs to soften the blow of my good will towards mankind?

If a person said Happy Hanukkah to me, I would not be offended... I would be happy, then wish them a Merry Christmas. I might then wish them a Happy Hannukah right back. It isn't that I'm insensitive, it is just that I think that if you eliminate all of our differences, and blend us together, you get a pretty boring world.

My biggest complaint is things like the "Holiday Tree" in Toronto. Who are they kidding? Noone thinks of it as anything but a Christmas tree. People who celebrate Hannukah don't put up a Hannukah tree, nor do people who celebrate Kwanzaa, or any other holiday around this time of year. It is a Christmas tradition to put up a tree. Either they should not put up a tree, or call it a Christmas tree and stop patronizing everyone involved. It is not right, it helps noone, and it ticks me off.

I am happy to report that I have not been wished a happy holiday this year. I have been wished a Merry Christmas every time. I say to those who get offended easily... Get over it, and lighten up. I'm not trying to be offensive, I'm just trying to enjoy the best holiday of the year.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Until next time...

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