Tuesday, August 29, 2006

University has Come at Last

Well, my faithful readers, university is finally upon me. After years of waiting, nearly six months of erratic posting, and many, many weeks of anticipation, my post-secondary education experience is finally about to begin.

For those of you that do not already know, I will be attending the University of Ontario Institute of Technology this coming fall. I will be going there for their honours science program with concurrent education. I will be majoring in physics, and minoring in math. At the end of my five years in university, I will have a bachelor of education and an honours bachelor of science. I will be a high school teacher.

Preparations have begun to allow me to be ready for this experience. The university has issued me a laptop for the year, which I type upon now. It has come preloaded with all the programs that I will need for the year. In the next few days, I will begin my back-to-school shopping. Everything is shaping up for a great first year of university.

My course load is heavy, but it will all be worth it in the end.

Until next time...

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Damn, I did not win the forty-two million dollars! What insolent freak took my money? Give it back! I know what you did, you took my ticket, which was clearly the winner, and switched it with your own. I don't know how you did it, but I'm sure you did.

That's call theft buddy, and of forty-two million dollars. Give it back, or I will find you. I do not know how I will, but I will track you down, and I will find you, no matter what it takes.

I frankly think that it was someone at the service desk, or perhaps an inside job from the OLGC. I vow that I will not rest, until I either have my forty-two million dollars, or at least enough money to pay for my university tuition.

Again I say... DAMN!

Until next time...