Thursday, October 27, 2005

And another one bites the dust...

I have been in NYC for a few days, then was sick. As a result I dont know what is happening with Napoleon, why momentum is conserved, what a scalar equation of a plane is, and I have little idea on how to do a bank reconciliation.

My accounting mark is suffering. My God sometimes I cant stand my accounting teacher. He is arrogant about how he handles his class, thinking his way cant be improved upon. His view is that if you make one mistake early on, all resulting totals are wrong and are marked wrong. He carries mistakes through all the way. You should mark it wrong once, especially if it causes me to lose 14 marks on one section alone. Throughout it all, it costed me 35 marks. Out of 200.

One lousy error. I forgot to divide by 12. Isnt that ridiculous or is it just me.

At what point does this stop being ridiculous and start becoming evil and twisted and wrong. This doesnt teach me a lesson. This isnt taking marks off for a lack of knowlege, and it certainly isnt helping me become a better person.

If I made the same mistake at the end, I would lose 1 mark, because I did it at the beginning I lost 35. That is just so sad on his part.


Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some teachers are just like that... there's really not much you can do, I'm afraid. My math professor and his two TAs managed to lose my math assignment, and I won't get it back until two HOURS before the midterm. This is sheer stupidity. How am I supposed to learn from my mistakes in that time? Because of THEIR mistakes, I cannot. But I digress. Teachers are a mixed bag.

Keep blogging, people will notice you eventually. I'll try to stir up some attention too.