Monday, December 12, 2005

Where is the line?

At what point does one act towards his own wants, rather than another's needs? Is this action right? Is it moral? Is it wrong to have more than one television while so many do not have a roof over their head?

Where are inherited talents in a society where survival of the fittest no longer applies? What is the point of them in a capitalist society? Or even more so in a communist society? Where is the evolution?

Inherited traits, if no longer important, are then no longer a factor in procreation. In a society where natural immunity is no longer a factor for humans, due to medical science, how are we supposed to advance biologically. The short answer is that in all likelyhood, we will not.

Survival of the fittest is dead... Natural selection; even more so... Humans base decisions now on emotion, especially in the area of having children. From a social standpoint this is fine... desirable even, but we are completely screwing with evolution.

We will, in all likelyhood, never evolve beyond where we are now, not naturally anyways. Which is fine, we dont really need to... at least as far as I can see. We will have to go the way of social evolution, in that we change our behaviour, we advance our technology, we advance our culture and our way of life.

Unfortunately, there are factors stopping this as well. Standing in the way of science, is those who let religion impede scientific progress, be that in the form of attacks on the theory of evolution, or continued opposition to cloning. Standing in the way of advancement for our culture is ignorance. People opposed to legislation that will advance civil rights, and is usually the will of the majority. People who attack those who are different. It all goes towards slowing societal progress to a standstill.

How will we advance and make ourselves better if both natural selection and societal evolution cannot exist. The answer is quite simply that we cannot. Fear, ignorance, hate. greed and general stupidity stand in the way of our advancement.

We fear the unknown, because we don't understand it. As a result, we don't learn about it, causing ignorance. This ignorance is easily twisted into hate, and hate completely goes against the common good of our society. Greed takes away from the needy needlessly, and while many of my friends would disagree with me, noone needs forty billion dollars. Finally; general stupidity... It is one of the many things in our world that could be stopped with some education. It is the force that advance fear, to ignorance, to hate. It is such a shame that it still exists.

So where does this leave me in regards to my original question? It is an indirect link I suppose. That we can help them, by sharing what we can, not to directly help them necessarily; though that may be an option, but to support advancements that work for sustainable sustainable development.

For instance, the Lifestraw... this straw can filter contaminated enough groundwater for one person for an entire year.The cost is just five dollars, and it could save millions from suffering from disease needlessly. This is an advancement that will help, and supporting this kind of thing seems to be the least that we can do.

Until next time...

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