Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Have you ever been talking to someone and you said something stupid? Something hurtful and mean? Have you ever been in a situation where something came out horribly wrong? Or was taken the wrong way? Have you ever realized that you are a dumbass for ever even saying it?

I have.

I cannot talk on messenger the way I can in real life. In real life my sarcasm, and my constant jokes can be told from my voice. On messenger, all of this is filtered out, and I come off as a jackass. The problem is that I don't realize what I sound like until I read it back later... and obviously it is too late by then.

So to who this post is meant for. I am sorry. I really am sorry, I'm a jerk and I didn't mean it that way. I was trying to joke around, and it not only came out badly, it shouldn't have been said at all. I really hope you arent too mad... though I understand why you probably are.

Again, I'm really sorry...

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do yourself a favour, give up on the sarcasm. Look at people as being flawed also, they don't always say the right things either. Cut yourself a break and don't be too hard on yourself. Look at this as a learning experience and move on. If they really truely are your freind then they know what you are like and will usually forgive you as long at it wasn't too brutal. Do something nice for them that they have to accept like a singing telegram or a card. The freinds you have might be a bit callous but I don't see Dwayne as being callous or your freind in Brooklin. Stop joking around all the time and try to be serious without being sarcastic. Make jokes but not at other peoples expense if you can help it. Try to make some new freinds like at the """ GYM """ or join a club or a church group ( there are a lot of nice people there ) ( preferrably United ). In other words try something different. Make new freinds and don't use the computer so much, it really isn't a good way to communicate with people normally. Cut yourself some slack. OK