Monday, January 30, 2006

Webcomic of the Week

In my third installment of "Webcomic of the Week", I will point out another of my favorite webcomics.

The Wotch is written by two people; Anne Onnymous and Robin Ericson. The authors of the webcomic have also chosen to name their main characters Robin and Anne. I will try to keep this simple by referring to the characters by their first names only, and the authors by their full names.

The wotch is centred around Anne. Anne is "The Wotch", which in essence, is a kind of very powerful witch. Anne has two main friends in her adventures, these people being Robin and Jason. Robin has a thing for Anne, and does his best in the continuing fight against evil, with a combination of magically imbued powers (by Anne) and his martial arts training. Jason is the redhead loving sarcastic one of the group. He is usually the first one to count on for pointing out what should have been obvious.

The three live in Tandy Gardens, and go to Tandy Gardens High School, where all sorts of funny and exciting stuff happens, whether that be a cursed genie, or a mythical virus. Tandy Gardens is a really strange place.

Before I finish, I also have to mention Scott. He is not a main or secondary character in The Wotch, but he is Canadian, so I felt I should mention him. Go Canada!

With the random ka-girling, the rampant magic, and the great Buffy the Vampire Slayer references, it is a hillarious comic that takes right from the Buffy Action-Comedy-Drama style. So read the wotch. It is funny, and the story will suck you right in.

Until next time...

Sunday, January 29, 2006


I am trying to break down walls that have been in place since I have been in grade 3. I put them to protect myself from certain people who were hurting me, both emotionally and physically. Those walls gradually grew to block out the whole world. The problem is, as one of my friends pointed out, the walls we put up to protect us don't know the difference between happiness and sadness.

What makes the job harder is when people then yell at me about it.

I do not understand why people cannot seem to grasp the idea that it is hard. It is incredibly hard. The reason it is so hard, is that to break down these walls, I need the support of my friends and family, and to yell at me while I am trying to fix it, really doesn't count as support.

I want to be able to talk openly and honestly to people, and it doesn't help that every time I talk to people, they seem to change the rules. When I am in an argument, I should be able to talk at the same level as the people I am arguing with. I should be able to talk like an adult to them, as I am one.

These people do not seem to realize that as an adult, I should have some freedoms that I didn't before. I should be able to go out without getting the third degree. I should be able to put a lock on my door. I shouldn't be attacked every time people are angry about small messes.

These people, who know me better than anyone else, should also realize that I am prone to say stupid things. This is what I cannot seem to understand. They know I am impulsive, they know I can be an idiot, and they know this can happen on or off of my Ritalin. The Ritalin only helps my impulsive nature, it is not a cure-all drug.

For all of these reasons, and more, I say to these people. Lay off... I get it, I know I have some problems, and yelling at me about them is not helping me in the slightest. For the most part, they are things that I have to work out. I will figure out how to work them out, and I will work them out on my own schedule.

I have a lot of problems with my family. I will defend myself for no reason sometimes. This is a remnant from my days when all I knew from most people was ridicule and hurt. I learned a lot of defensive responses that have haunted me to this day. I am bad at distinguishing people making fun of me from them just kidding around, stop telling me to lighten up... I am trying.

That is my point here. I am trying to change. It will take a while, I will need to learn the rules of how to talk to people. I am trying to break down the walls that have "protected" me from the world. It might help if people didn't make me feel like I need to protect and defend myself.

Until next time...

Saturday, January 28, 2006


I am pleased to say that I am now finished my exams for this semester. I just have one more in Chemistry next semester and that is it for me.

I cannot wait until it is all over and I can go to university.

A bonus for me is that I get 2 days off now while the rest of the exams finish up, so I am home until Wednesday, which is alright by me.

Until next time...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

El Goonish Shive: The Book at Last

I have been after both volumes of EGS for about six months. Today, they came in the mail. They are entitled: El Goonish Shive: Read it or the Owl will Eat You, and El Goonish Shive: The piece that does not fit. Both volumes are filled to the brim with great strips.

The pictures of the books themselves are now posted on the MSN Spaces site, and for anyone who actually knows me (ie. in real life) feel free to ask to see them, I will be more than happy to lend them to you to read.

For those of you who are keeping track, I had to try Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Chapters, Indigo, World's Biggest Bookstore, Coles and Walmart before I got them right from the source, this being Keenspot.

One final note, Webcomic of the week is on hiatus until Monday... sorry for missing a week.

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Skipping the Rocks

The rock sailed through the air, skipping as it hit the water. One... two... three... four... five... plop...

The boy picked up another rock, feeling the weight in his hands, and in a smooth motion cast it out into the water, the rock skipping as it went, one... two... three... four... five... six... plop.

The boy stood there and looked out at the water. How many more rocks were to be casted out, how many more must he throw.

He looked to where the rocks skipped, and the ripples that moved out from the centre, how the ripples came together from where it skipped

He looked forward to where the rocks sunk, no ripples came from these spots, they just sunk to the bottom, waiting to be washed up shore again.

The boy picked up a handful of rocks, and in a quick motion flung them down the beach. He watched as some hit the water and skipped tiny bits, leaving small ripples radiating outwards... He saw many more of those rocks never skip, but sink straight to the bottom, just sinking, waiting for a day when they would come back to shore, waiting for a day the boy would follow through.

The boy looked to the sand. He saw where many of the stones had left craters in the sand. He saw the impressions they left and how the sand had now buried them slightly.
He looked out upon the waters and saw the ripples continuing out from every spot a stone had skipped. He saw the earliest ripples now hitting the sand, taking a bit of it away, eroding back the line between the sand and the water. It was a slow process, but it was happening
The boy thought back to days when he stood on a small patch of sand, and the water stretched in all directions as far as the eye could see. There were few stones, for they were all skipping off to infinity. Now all that was behind him was a seemingly unscalable mountain, a sheer rock face, one that seemed as if it could last for all time. To his left and right there was only sand, with pebbles and rocks of different sizes strwn about. Only to the front of him was there water.

The mountain had raised up out of the sea some time ago, he did not remember how. At some point after that the sand then raced forward, leaving a desert, with just a small pond. For a long time the boy had thrown no tocks of stones or pebbles, the ripples had all but stopped.

It took a long time after the desert had taken over before the boy cast a pebble into the pond again. When he did, he saw the ripple go throughout the pond, and erode some of the sand. The boy had forgotten why he threw the stones. He slowly stood up to the barren desert, and began to again cast the stones into the pond.

The pond is now a sea again, the ripples pushed back the desert. Yet the mountain remains. Perhaps one day after all the stones are gone and are skipping off to infinity once again, maybe then, the mountain will sink back into the sea.

The boy thought back again. How had the mountain come to rise from the sea? How had the desert covered his world? The exact moment the mountain began to rise did not seem to come to the boys mind. What the boy could recall was a wave, higher than the sky itself roaring towards him, wiping out everything he had, the continuing off forever behind him.

That was it... the boy remembered everything. He has built that mountain from the stones that were on the sand. It had not risen out of the sea, as he had like to think, it was his own doing. Then without the stones, the water receded, leaving other stones.

The boy threw another stone into the water, watching skip once, twice, then sink. He had forgotten in his years in the desert how to skip the stones as far as he wanted.

The boy wondered if things could ever be how they used to. Regardless if they could or not, nothing is ever solved by doing nothing.

The boy walked up to the mountain and looked closely. He saw the individual stones that made up the mountain, and pried one out, then another, and so on, until he had a handful.

The boy walked back to the water, skipping the rocks, one by one, as far as he could, watching the ripples combining and strengthening. He went back for more rocks from the mountain.

The strange thing was, that as the boy continued to do this for some time, the ripples in the sea moved outward faster, and changed how the shoreline ran. As the mountain came down, the boy's world changed.

The mountain is still there today, though smaller now. The boy, now a man, continues his work. His methodical skipping of the rocks, they skip further and further now, the retrieval of rocks from the mountain, and back to skipping them. The cycle will continue until the mountain is gone and he can see what lies on the other side.

Until next time...

Blog Stuff Continued

I will get webcomic of the week up on the site either today or tomorrow. Tales from Elections Canada will take about a week, but I do have a short story for you all that I will be updating shortly.

Sorry all.

Until next time...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Blog Stuff

I will be doing Webcomic of the week tomorrow...

I will also present to you a special feature. Tales of Elections Canada... It is a journal of my day today at a polling station.

Until next time...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Conversations Continued...

How could I have said that?

I was told something that should have brought a "congratulations... good for you" and I instead told them their accomplishment was worthless... How would I go about apologizing for this one. I don't think I can. I think, personally, that I have lost a friend due to my own idiocy.

I hope that the person who this is directed at will forgive me eventually, but sadly that is rarely how my life turns out. I don't get to have good friends... I have a bunch that are as callous as I am, some who I haven't yet driven away... then the large number that I have driven away through either not paying attention, being a jerk, not being a good friend generally, or saying something really stupid... as is the case here.

If anyone who ever reads this has any ideas on how to deal with this... Please comment... I could use some help.

If the person who I have offended reads this... I am really sorry. I really don't know what else to do...

The text seems so cold here... doesnt it? You can't hear me. You have no idea what I'm feeling. I don't what I'm doing... posting this here... whether it is just my way of trying to get the feelings out, or whether it is some last ditch effort to talk this out.

The problem is, I have never been able to figure out how to solve these things... These kinds of problems just seem to spiral downwards. I hope... I don't know what I hope for... I just hope. While I breathe, I hope.

Dum Spiro, Spero...

Until next time...

My Stream of Consciousness

Can you wander the internet, in an endless haze... Unsure of where you are going... just hoping you end up somewhere with meaning? Have you ever found yourself just going into your bookmarks while you do... just looking for something... anything to do?

That pretty much is how I feel right now... I'm wandering back and forth, from blog to blog, from meaningless game, to webcomics that I don't care about right now...

I don't think I know what I'm doing lately. I've been in a haze for the past few days... I really need something to pull me out of it... I need to go out, do something... anything... I miss talking to people face to face... I have been taking the bus... so I haven't gotten the regular human contact that I never realized I had grown accustomed to... I never realized how much I need it... I miss it.

Now all my avenues of social contact are disappearing... I have been a fool, and I hurt a good friend... I cannot go out as I want, so there is another street closed... I have not seem some of my other friends in months, most since graduation... I hope they are doing well...

Damn, I sound depressed... maybe I am a little... I could really use a change of pace... I think school, combined with the stresses of my life right now, adding the fact that my family hasnt been out of the house together in a while... I think it is starting to get to me... I can't get drives to where I want to go right now...

I think I need a change... I'm not sure what to though.

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Have you ever been talking to someone and you said something stupid? Something hurtful and mean? Have you ever been in a situation where something came out horribly wrong? Or was taken the wrong way? Have you ever realized that you are a dumbass for ever even saying it?

I have.

I cannot talk on messenger the way I can in real life. In real life my sarcasm, and my constant jokes can be told from my voice. On messenger, all of this is filtered out, and I come off as a jackass. The problem is that I don't realize what I sound like until I read it back later... and obviously it is too late by then.

So to who this post is meant for. I am sorry. I really am sorry, I'm a jerk and I didn't mean it that way. I was trying to joke around, and it not only came out badly, it shouldn't have been said at all. I really hope you arent too mad... though I understand why you probably are.

Again, I'm really sorry...

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Who am I?

I live my life according to what I value. I don't apologize for these values, nor will I be convinced to live my life according to someone elses values. I also will tell people what my values are. I will explain to them how I think life should be.

The problem is that I have two kinds of values. Those that I have personally, and those that I think society should be run by. These values will often clash, as they are often based on how a perfect world would be. For example: I don't like smoking, and on a personal level I support the smoking bans. I think they are a good idea generally, and for the most part I completely support them. On the other hand though, I think that there are businesses, such as bars, who should be able to allow their patrons to smoke if they so choose. There are a few other cases like this where my personal views clash with my societal views, but for the most part I try not to apply my values to how the country should be run.

As a result of these contradictions, and the fact that depending on the situation, I may argue either side of an argument, people often have a hard time knowing what I truly believe.

So the point is that noone really knows who I am or what I truly believe. The point is that noone really knows me.

For your average person, this doesn't bother me, and for almost everyone else I am still not too concerned. It is my family and close friends that I care about. These are the people who I should be honest with and be able to trust.

Even among my family there are things not known about me. Whether this be because of my fear of disapproval, my fear of my family being angry , or my fear of being backstabbed if I told someone, I still do have secrets. I feel bad for this, because I should be honest. I just wished I could, without fear of anger, being judged or made fun of.

So what has been brought to light by this post? By my count three things have. The first thing is that my personal beliefs are not necessarily reflected in what I do or say. The second is that I actually support both sides of some opposing issues, and finally, the fact that nobody really knows me completely, and that it is noone's fault but my own.

Don't take this the wrong way though. I am not depressed or overly saddened by these facts... They don't bug me too much. Also don't take this post to mean that I will change my ways, or that if asked about these kinds of things that I would lie. This post is just me recognizing the fact that this is how things are.

Or at least how I see things...

Until next time...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Comic of the Week

Welcome to the second installment of "Comic of the Week". This week's comic is El Goonish Shive, which is the best webcomic ever.

This comic is the best I have ever seen. It is funny, it is well drawn and it is well written. You all should read it, as it is also the comic that inspired Anne Onnymous to write The Wotch.

El Goonish Shive is the story of a group of friends and their life. Currently they are at Grace's birthday party, and everyone is getting transformed. Oh, did I forget to mention that? Yes, the story includes transformation into furry characters, transformation of gender, species, size, you name it Dan draws it.

The author of this webcomic is Dan Shive, a very talented artist who I have nothing but respect for.

Oh and by the way, my copy of EGS Volume 1 and 2 is on the way to my house. Hurrah!

Until next time...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

My Blog

I am now posting this blog on MSN Spaces as well as here.

I am posting the same posts on both, and I will continue to do so for some time as it is no real trouble to do so. I like the posting style here, because I am used to it and the fact is that people know this address better. I post on MSN Spaces because it has easy photo uploads, I get lots of comments and my links are easier to put up.

So here we go into a new era of my blogging.

Visit the mirror at Muddled Mind.

Until next time...

I Have Voted... Will You?

I did my civic duty today and voted. I voted Liberal, I like their social policies, and the race in my riding is too close to justify voting for the NDP.

In my opinion it is the duty of every informed person to vote. Similarly, it is the duty of every non-informed person not to vote. If you don't know the issues or vote randomly, then your vote is cancelling out an informed one, and that is not good.

So on January 23, if you know the issues, head on down to your local polling station and cast your ballot for the candidate you agree with, and you think will do the best job. I already did, though my vote was a bit of a strategic vote. I might see you at the polls, I will be an information officer at one of my riding's polling stations.

So here is my realistic hope for this election: a Liberal minority, NDP being the official opposition (I know it wont happen), and if they cant be official opposition, for them to hold the balance of power.

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Trails Ahead

A path lay out before me
A path loops back behind
Which trail should I take?
I can't make up my mind.

The path ahead is foggy
The view is not quite clear
It could be good, it could be bad
The unknown gives me fear.

The looping path is sunny...
Easygoing and free of strife.
I would just end up back here though,
Later in my life.

I chose to take the simple path
I looped back round again
I chose the easier way to go,
Thinking I would gain.

I now approach the fork again,
My choice now is quite clear.
I shall tread new ground, and set new paths
I have nothing to fear.

I look down the now clear path
And see the trials ahead
I can face them now, I could have then
The dangers were in my head.

My fears stopped me, they held me back
This thought makes me irate
I set off running forward now,
This is going to be great...

Until next time...

Monday, January 09, 2006

Comic of the Week

This is a new feature in my blog... Every week on Monday I will plug a webcomic that I read. Eventually people will learn about me by reading what I like to read...

This week's webcomic is... Count your sheep

This comic is hilarious, it can be heartwarming and it is more than just cute and heartwarming... At times it can also be somewhat sad in it's own way... There are a good number of lessons that one can learn by reading it through.

Count Your Sheep features the life of Katie, her mother Laurie, and their imaginary friend Ship. I highly suggest this comic to all of you... It is a great read with a fairly large archive, so it should keep you occupied until next week.

Have a great time reading...

Until next time...

Who to Vote For?

As some of you may already know, I am pretty liberal in my ideologies, but due to the corruption and waste at the hands of the liberal, I may be voting NDP...

My big thing is that I don't like right-wingedness, also known as the Conservative Party of Canada. The following is a quote from a conservative handout to young voters...

Forget Pedro
Vote for Us!
"Who are you going to vote for?"
"Whoever I feel like; GOSH!"
This message was Authorized by the Official Agent for the Jim Flaherty Campaign

Wow... just wow...

That is so wrong. No mention of the issues, but just pandering to the lowest common denominator. The first four lines of the flyer sicken me. They just do, they are condescending towards young voters, the first line rips off the movie Napoleon Dynamite, and they offend me as a young voter.

After those first four lines, it gets a lot better, but it is still fairly poor quality. One statement that bothers me is "If you believe in less government and more freedom then join your Conservative campus club today!" With no government, we would be living under the power of the strongest. That is not freedom... That is feudalism...

It says that the message was authorized by the official agent for Flaherty's campaign. What idiot authorized that message. He should be fired.

The thought of anyone voting conservative makes me worry about our future.
The thought of anyone voting conservative because of that flyer makes me sick.

Until next time...


My stuff is not respected in my house. It is sad, but it is true.

I have a collection of over 300 Archie Comic Digest Magazines, which I have been forced to hide in a garbage bag in my closet. This is because my brother Timothy refuses to not take them in the bathroom, which ruins them.

Today I found my comics back in the bathroom, and the bag ripped open. I am sick of the lack of respect for my stuff.

I want a lock on my door. That is all I have to say about that. A locking door, key and all.

Until next time...

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I love getting comments, especially from those people who I don't know... It makes me feel good to know that someone is at least listening to what I have to say.

For those of you that are reading my blog, feel free to comment on any post. Feel free to agree with my opinions, disagree, whatever. Feel free to tell me off if you don't like what I have said (Don't swear at me, keep it civil), or argue with other commenters. It makes having a blog fun for me when people leave comments.

I hope anyone who reads this will leave a comment. I will be watching...

Until next time...

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Now, I am not saying that I should yell at my parents, or that I should be rude to them. Obviously I should be respectful and polite to them. I should respect and be polite to all of my family members. Sadly it does not pan out that way.

I really do try to be respectful, but when you have people screaming at you, shouting at you, being rude to you, it is not easy to keep my cool. All I want, is the same treatment that is expected out of me. I would like for there not to be a double standard when it comes to how we all behave. I do not see that as too much to ask.

I will admit my faults. I am lazy, I procrastinate, I am not motivated, I can be a slob, I can be hyper, have no attention span some days, I don't always keep my cool, I am forgetful sometimes, I can be clumsy, I am not creative... the list goes on and on...

I don't get overly stressed about things that are not in my control... that in my opinion is a strong point for me... It helps me work under pressure, it helps me see arguments rationally as long as they do not get too heated and it helps me to not lose my mind when things go wrong...

I respect that others are stressed though, and I understand, I have to use a number of stress reducing tactics to keep my cool. I read webcomics, I write this blog, I play Puzzle Pirates, I read, I do whatever it takes to stay at a comfortable level of stress.

When I get stressed, I don't think clearly, and I make stupid mistakes, both in arguments, and generally. I say things that only make my situation worse, I fail to stay calm, I yell...

And that is how I fall into vicious cycles of argument. These cycles don't end easily either... It involves an epiphany that never seems to stick, life being tense for a while and me feeling bad about myself...

I just want to not have to stress out over this kind of stuff...

Oh well...

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Stop Shouting at Me!

My God, it is constant right now...

ROB! ROB! Are you ready for work! Get Ready! ROB! ROB! oh this is unacceptable ROB! ROB! *random loud TV sounds* ROB! Get Ready For Work Now! Why Don't You Clean Up! ROB!

Now imagine 20 minutes of that. And on top of it all, I am ready for work, and have been for the last half hour. Why will they not leave me alone. All I want to do is play a little on the computer before I leave for work.

Then to top it all off, I thought I heard my brother screaming get ready, so I screamed "shut up!" back at him, and it turned out to be my mother screaming at me again... There was an argument I would have been happier without...

Some days, I simply cannot wait until I move out on my own...

Until next time...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Have We Learned Anything?


Toronto rang in the New Year with it's first gun death. What a way to start the year. One day, one death. So far they are one for one.

Have fun Toronto...

Until next time...