Monday, February 06, 2006

A Light in a Dark Room

A light goes on in a darkened room,
a pool of light falls upon the floor.
One cannot be sure what lies outside the light,
the shadows concealing that which the light cant reach.

The light comes from a lone bulb, hanging from its cord.
It sways back and forth, pushed by an unknown force.
As the light moves the pool it casts moves too,
illuminating slightly, the shadows in the dark.

One can only catch quick glimpses
of the figures in the moving light.
One cannot be sure of what one sees,
at the edges of their vision, almost out of sight.

The unknown force that moves the bulb
chooses what will be seen by those who watch,
as the pool of light moves across the floor,
the lightbulb's swinging arc changing as it goes.

Most will be content to sit inside the light,
watching as a few small shadows are revealed.
The truth will be shown to those who go,
and venture into the void.

It will be those that search in the dark, that will truly see the light.

Until next time...

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