Thursday, February 09, 2006

Blog Content

When I started this blog I had no idea of what I was doing. I was going to use it as a vent for all of my frustrations, be they about my life or the world in general. In time the blog grew to be an expression of who I am; my feelings, my beliefs, my complaints and my hopes and dreams. I originally thought that I would post everything I wrote.

I have lost a few posts because I forgot to post them, or they lost their relevance in the time it took to post them. There were also a small number of posts that I actually lost the original copies of.

I think my first conscious decision not to post something came with a stream of consciousness piece I did a few months ago. It revealed a lot about me, but I was not comfortable showing some of the things that it showed to the world.

Lately there have been instances where I have been censoring myself. This may be to avoid my blog looking silly, or to keep certain things personal, or to not offend others. I have become acutely aware of the danger of offending others in the past few weeks.

I do not blog to offend others, but it seems that I have, especially some of those among my friends and family. For that, I am truly sorry. Anything that I have written was not meant to offend, but rather to vent. As such I will no longer be posting about my friends and family until they tell me it is alright to do so.

Due to this fact, I may be posting less often now. I will continue to write about politics, my blog in general, webcomics, some of my thoughts, and I will continue to post most of my creative work. I will however not be posting many of my rants, some of my complaints, and the tales of my life. This is not an attack on anyone, but it is rather my attempt to apologize to those that I have hurt with my posts, and to make up for them.

There are three people that I am not apologizing to in this post. They are the people featured in the posts: “Slander… It’s a Horrible Thing” and “Revenge upon the Child of Evil”. Those three people owe me an apology.

In conclusion, I am sorry. I sincerely apologize to all of those that I owe an apology to due to my rudeness and lack of consideration.

Until next time…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, its good to have an outlet for ranting. I certainly know I have alot on my mind and I can't always take everything out on those around me. Most of the time, I find I am thinking on such a different level that many people really can't cope with my rolicking train of thought. Writing things down can be therapeutic and relaxing.

You're a good writer, and you have alot on your mind as well. You're young and impetuous (neither are bad things), and while I don't always agree with (or comment on ) your opinions, you usually hit pretty close to the mark.

If you feel the need to tone down your ranting in a public forum, that's wise and fair. However, don't cheat yourself and bottle that creative energy up inside. Get it out... write it down in a format that is for your eyes only. You may find that when you go back and look at what you wrote later, you will see where you were right and where you were wrong. Distilling out those thoughts and writing on them would be quite enjoyable. Both for you and your viewers.