Thursday, February 09, 2006

Expect the Cold

I am getting sick of hearing people complain about the cold, especially when I turn around to find these people not even wearing a sweater. I just want to turn around to these people and shout “You are living in Canada; you should expect that it will be cold. Put on a coat!”

I like the cold, I like the snow, and I expect it in early February. I have been disappointed up until now by the lack of snow on the ground, and this snowfall is a welcome change in weather.

I like the snow a lot better than the rain, and I prefer the cold to the heat. It is easy to warm up, but hard to cool down. It is nice to see a layer of snow on the ground, but it is depressing to see nothing but rain falling on a cold and dreary landscape. The fact is, that I like winter.

My favorite season is the autumn. It is cold, it has a nice feel to it and it is not an overly wet season. My least favorite season, by far, is the spring. It is always raining, the snow is melting and it is generally an uncomfortable season.

My point is that I like winter and its related weather, and that people who constantly complain about the cold, should simply put on a sweater.

Until next time…

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