Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Well, there went five days of possible updates. You all missed such gems as me analyzing a dream I had last night, several random statements, a multitude of things I did not think I would hear as a child, and other random thoughts.

I'm going to use the time I have here to talk about the Lunes, or at least until I get tired of that thought process. The floor yields its infinte time to Sholto's creation.

As some of you may know, one of my hobbies is roleplaying, specifically tabletop games, which meshes well with my boardgaming hobby, but also a single IRC based roleplay that I've been involved with now for almost three years known as Kaerwyn. Kaerwyn is excellent by the way, and you should all play there. I'm Shadowlost there, and I will help you get involved if you feel the urge to do so.

It's a small community of twenty or so active players, and we have a blast with it. It's set in a 'nexus universe' which means that you can pretty well do anything you like, and play on it. It's tricky to explain, but hey, look right! There's a link! CLICK IT!

Yes though. Lunes. Sholto is a player there, and one of the younger ones at that. He's one of the more creative players, and created a universe in which the Lunes reside. They are for all intents and purposes, short anthropomorphic wolves which speak in the third person as a general rule. Silly sounding, eh?

Maybe, but the plots that I've had based on Xeva, the Lunes homeworld, have been some of the most engaging of those I've played, save for those set on another player's world... but that's a story for another time.

In any case, Xeva makes for an awesome sandbox. The elements are there for some really epic plots, and Sholto is kind enough to let you play in his sandbox to your heart's content, so long as it all makes some sort of sense. Like the demise of magic, and the rebirth of a new sort. Or a shunned noble's quest to redeem himself, and those like him who cannot touch the magic he sees as his birthright. Or the journey of a young woodsman to find what is right, and what is moral in a world he is new to, and a world he thought he knew. I have a character who is a Lunes, and he's one of the most fun characters I've had in years.

So yes. I know it's few to noone who reads this blog, but I hope someone does someday and comes to pay us a visit. You will not be disappointed.

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