Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The World is Making Less Sense than Usual Today

Hello, faithful bloggers and blog readers, today I will be referencing something that would appear to have no sense whatsoever.

Now, I have never claimed that the world is a rational, logical, or sane place to reside, but usually there will be some sort of cosmic explanation behind the weird crap that is thrown in our collective way. I will point out now, that I have been known to engage in some highly random behaviour, which includes searching for some highly random stuff.

Due to its nature, I love Wikipedia, highly editable, easy to learn its format, and for the most part, credible. Today however I take issue with its search function. I am currently using Mozilla Firefox, just because of its search function and tabbed browsing, as well as its heightened security, and I typed into the search bar at the top of my page "The ironing is delicious".

This was a reference to a conversation my friend and I were having at the time, and mostly done randomly. I wondered if it would pull up something on the Simpsons, or possibly an entire topic, possibly devoted to some sort of internet meme.

It pulled up as its first link, Marshmallow Alpha-Bits.


Yeah. At this point, I'm imagining that all of you have either seen that, and done the search yourself, or have just sat there thinking 'What the hell?'. Trust me, the feeling is mutual. It makes no sense whatsoever.

Just in case you are in doubt, here is a link for you all. What the hell is Wikipedia thinking?

Well there you go, if that is not proof that the world gets stranger by the day, I'm not sure what is.

Until next time...

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