Monday, October 30, 2006

Live From the Principal Awards

I am currently sitting, watching the so-called 'Principal Awards' at the elementary school that I currently volunteer at.

This is a joke.

I am not asking for the school to live up to an adult's standard of what consitutes something worth rewarding, but how about a logical estimation for a child's standard. These are not achievements for the most part, and certainly not something worth calling a school assembly for.

An actual award given... "For writing in her agenda real fast". That was how they said it too, real fast. Not really fast, or very quickly. Real fast.

Oh look my brother's friend is going up and is receiving an award for "reviewing his math test and learning from his mistakes." Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that the point of school? Should an award not be given for somethign exceptional?

We are celebrating, not only mediocrity, but in fact, failure. There is a word for that... asinine.

Certificates celebrating making mistakes and learning from them, getting organized and making friends, MAYBE deserve a classroom award. To call an entire school assembly, seems wasteful to me.

Why are we celebrating achievements such as these, celebrating improved math skills at a time like this anyways. The class I was with, was in their math class when we got called down. It just seems ironic to me.

I guess it may be me, but I find this to be a little over the top. Why can the teacher not take a second out of their class, take the child of to the side and say something like "You have been doing a really good job lately, and I have noticed it. Keep up the good work."?

It seems to me, that it would feel more heartfelt, and a lot less patronizing.

Yet it all keeps going.

Until next time...

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