Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Question of Human Nature

My question today goes to why groups of friends cannot handle power.

Why is it that in a group of friends, who respect and like each other, power always ruins things?Why is it that the power can not be shared amongst the group of friends? Why must it always corrupt the group?

I am getting awfully sick of being the one person with no desire for power. This is not because I have a secret desire to take power, but because I am the one everyone else turns to talk to when they start fighting. I am tired of dealing with all the crap.

Why can friends not get along? Why can a hierarchical structure not exist without serious problems arising? I dont understand it, especially when we agreed upon the structure to begin with.

Oh well, I shall disinvolve myself with the crap.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can really agree and realate to you. did you know that i have been haveing the same problems.i used to have a best frend then she got another friend and we were a threesome but then they both started making fun of me and trying to take the jobs i would cant i tried to talk with them but they wouldn't listen they would have none of it. well they are both still not my friend but we are not butting heads anymore.

angel on earth

PS: my blog address is meybe you could send me a comment.sighn it canadain,if you do so i know it was from you.