Sunday, April 09, 2006

My Return to the World of Blogging

Well, here I am, back to writing out my blog posts before I post them. I finally found that free time I was looking for, so here I am.

As I write this, I am sitting in a work room with a student who is writing a social studies test. I write not with my mechanical pencil, or in my notebook from my writing bag, but with a primary pencil and an exercise book I found in the adjoining room.

I have come to realize that I have missed writing my blog. My ability to let other people know what I have been thinking... And while I have posted a few times in the past month or so, they have all been spur of the moment posts, and even then they have been few and far between. Also I have missed writing my more creative posts, such as they are.

So here it is, my glorious return to blogging. I resolve to write more, and to actually post when I do. I resolve to get back to writing creatively, and I resolve to make time for my blog; to seek out the chances for writing that I need.

I have finally figured out what kind of free time I need... The free time I need, is time I should be spending working... ie. Accounting class or when I am supposed to be closely watching a student...

So there you have it... My pledge to return from my semi-hiatus. Let us see if I can keep my promise...

Until next time...

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