Friday, April 28, 2006


Have you ever expected something to turn out a certain way, only to have your vision shattered when something unforseen occurs?

I think this is something we have all had to deal with at some point or another, and I think we all know by now that it can sometimes be hard to deal with, especially when you do not have a contingency plan. That is why it is always important to have a plan "B" in case something goes wrong.

What shocks me though, is when it is not unforseen events that change things, but the actions of those who you trust. That is when I have to take a step back and truly analyze the situation. If the people who I trust turn against me, and try to destroy what I have worked for, then how am I to continue as if nothing has happened.

What shocks me is when for no reason, I am shown hostility that I do not feel I deserve. When my job is made harder because stress and aggravation cause people to display an air of hostility that makes it harder to do what I am supposed to do.

It is annoying when my job is made harder by those who would harass me and deliberately make my job miserable. Who would create a hostile work environment. I do not deserve poor treatment just because of things I have no control over.

For those of you that read this and ask what in the world I am talking about, let me say this. It is not about any specific thing, but a large number of things that are going on in my life right now. I feel I am getting the short end of the stick, and quite frankly I am getting tired of it.

In conclusion, to the people I am talking about, and I believe you all know who you are. Leave me alone. Stop harassing me, it is just making all our lives harder than they need to be. Just back off.

Until next time...

Thursday, April 27, 2006


So, this week I discovered something called Skype while reading Discover. For those of you who do not know, Skype is an internet telephone service. It uses the internet to place phone calls rather than using phone lines. As such, they do not charge to place phone calls between Skype users. It is completely free to download, and free to get started. The only time that you have to pay is when you call a non-Skype user.

See the thing is, that you can download it for any operating system, including certain kinds of PDAs. I suggest to everyone that you at least try it. It's free, and you can talk to anyone around the world for free.

It is very cool. Try it.

Until next time...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

What I Want

What I want right now is very simple. I would like an environment where an argument that I have with my parents is not a one sided one. I would like to be afforded the consideration that you would give to an adult who is making a good point, and not to be told I am acting like a child.

It is very insulting.

I would like to not hear "I'm a terrible mother" come from my mother every time I make a point that in any way criticizes her. That is not a fair thing to be doing in an argument.

What I want is a level playing field... Right now it is tilted in favor of my parents.

If not that, I would at least like to see an argument run its course. I cannot see how interrupting it every few seconds helps the situation. It just ticks me off and throws off my train of thought. Then I start making points that are not as well thought out as they could be.

In conclusion, I want to be able to talk to people in general without there being a lot of fighting. I want to be able to have a calm rational discussion with my family. That is all I want.

Until next time...

Bursting my Bubble

Today at work I was serving a customer. The topic got around to being about university, and I casually mentioned that I would probably be looking for a new job once I went off to Trent. So I ring her through, I say have a nice day and I move on to the next customer.

A minute and a half later, the customer comes back to my till. She says to me, and I quote, "You are one of the nicest people I have ever met." She then goes on to tell me that the company she works for is hiring, and she gives me a slip of paper and says to call them.

The paper said No experience necessary, we will train, and it listed a number to call. I had planned on doing that, because in reality, I am currently in the process of looking for a new job.

Anyways, I get in the car about fifteen minutes later, my mother having come to pick me up from work. I tell her about what happened, and she takes a look at the slip of paper, and immediately determines that it must be a telemarketer. She goes on to take shots at telemarketers for the whole ride home. I continue to try to defend that she cant be sure that it is a telemarketing position, and I try to say that it would still be better than working where I am now.

Once I got home, I promptly crumpled it up and threw it out, feeling rather defeated. Then my mother starts yelling at me for the attitude I am now showing, like I am in the wrong. I had left work happy and in a great mood. Someone had paid me a compliment, I had a good day and someone seemed to want me to work for them. Apparently I am not supposed to feel good about that, and am supposed to be suspicious of anyone showing any interest in me as a potential employee.

I then had a guilt trip laid on me. I had words put in my mouth that I did not say, did not think, and do not believe. I had someone tell me that I think poorly of their abilities, which I did not think. All I said was that she did something mean, which I didn't appreciate. What really ticked me off though was that my feelings were made to seem invalid.I had just wanted to feel good.

Someone thought I would make a good employee. Sue me if I don't get a lot of compliments like that and took pride in this one....

Until next time...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Webcomic of the Week

Well, I'm back from my semi-hiatus, so I may revive this old relic... I may rename it in coming weeks, perhaps to something else. Maybe just a chance to see what I've been doing in the past week, or perhaps my personal book recommendation.

Regardless, this week my suggestion is that you all read TwoKinds. It is a good comic. It is almost midnight here and I woke up at 4 AM, so I am a bit too tired to explain it to you all. You can find the link here. I heartily recommend it to you all, for it is an excellent read, it is quite funny and it is at last off of its hiatus that it was on.

See, I'm not the only one that takes a break.

Until next time...

Comments Continued

I am getting my first non-spam comments from people I do not know. This means that my opinion is actually being heard by people. This is a great day for Muddled Mind, as it means that my opinion officially matters to others.

What is even better though, is that the commenter returned and made another comment. I subsequently visited their blog and realized that truly this person is not just out to spam.

I feel very good right now; my opinions, my beliefs and my daily complaints and ponderings are being heard, not just by members of my family, but by the whole world. Or at least one person with another blog.

In any case I feel good.

Until next time...

I Have Learned Something...

This Easter, I learned something very important. The lesson that I learned was simple... Do not go to sleep at 7:30 in the evening, when you have only been awake since about 10 in the morning. I woke up this morning at 3:45.

Now, since that is a full eight hours, I cannot get back to sleep. Now what am I supposed to do? It is 4:15 in the morning, there is nothing good on TV.

I will have to find some way to entertain myself for the next three or four hours while I wait for my family members to wake up... Damn.

Oh well... On a more positive note, I got Easter chocolate yesterday... Yep, a nice chocolate Bart Simpson. I love The Simpsons, I love chocolate. It was a great Easter after all...

Anyways, I will have to go put the chocolate in the fridge as it is losing its structural integrity, so a happy Easter Monday to all.

Until next time...

Friday, April 14, 2006

Weird Stuff

I'm fairly bored just sitting here, so I have an open question to anyone who cares to answer.

I have just been looking up at my bedroom ceiling and I was thinking... "What is up with the stucco?" I have no idea what this stuff is supposed to do, it doesnt seem to make sense. To me it just seems like a waste of material.

So if anyone has an answer to this, please tell me. I can't think of a possible reason for it.

See... this is the kind of useless crap that I think of. Had I written this post down beforehand, I can guarantee you it would have never made it to the internet. I may go watch the news, then I can at least gripe about some topical material.

Until next time...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Question of Human Nature

My question today goes to why groups of friends cannot handle power.

Why is it that in a group of friends, who respect and like each other, power always ruins things?Why is it that the power can not be shared amongst the group of friends? Why must it always corrupt the group?

I am getting awfully sick of being the one person with no desire for power. This is not because I have a secret desire to take power, but because I am the one everyone else turns to talk to when they start fighting. I am tired of dealing with all the crap.

Why can friends not get along? Why can a hierarchical structure not exist without serious problems arising? I dont understand it, especially when we agreed upon the structure to begin with.

Oh well, I shall disinvolve myself with the crap.

Until next time...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

My Latest Post

The post directly below this one sucks. This is my official opinion of that poem...

I posted it about 45 minutes before I had to work, and so was not too thrilled, considering the nice day it is.

I do feel that I do not my job, though it of course does not "fill me with depression" and I seem to have exaggerated quite a bit throughout it. So please do not take this poem as it is. I simply do not like my job. I don't find it to be quite as bad as I make it out to be.

As for the last few bits of it, the change that is coming is of course... University. So things will change quite soon

Until next time...

Time for Work

A time for work, the hated place
The location of my oppression.
It takes me from the things I like,
And leaves me with depression.

I hate thee work, I hate ye so.
I wish that thou wouldst die.
But you will not, and so I must
Continue to work and sigh.

The end is in sight, I must declare
The hated time shall end.
I shall move on, I must confess,
The time is just around the bend.

And so I wait
For this special time
When my life can start moving on.
I can move on up and take charge of my life,
Instead of being a pawn.

Until next time...

How to Cook Bacon and Eggs

You will need the following things...

3 eggs
1/2 cup of brick cheese
3 strips of bacon (ripped into non-identical chunks)
A small bit of margarine
2 slices of bread

1 frying pan
1 cheese grater
A wooden spoon
A toaster

So, put the bacon into the frying pan with the margarine... Cook until it is no longer frozen all the way through. While it is cooking, grate the cheese and beat the eggs.

Next pour one third of the cheese into the eggs, along with all the bacon. Leave the margarine in the pan. Beat the eggs, bacon and cheese together and pour it in the pan. Constantly stir.

As it is cooking, pop in some bread into the toaster. Add cheese as you stir the eggs. Continue stirring the whole time.

The eggs can be declared done when they are no longer liquid, and seem to hold their form... I have tried, and they will not easily turn golden brown, so do not try. A good indicator is just scoop the eggs out of the pan once they look ready after the toast pops up... If you do it right, that should happen at about the same time.

Put on a plate, butter the toast, cut the toast in half and enjoy... You now have my favorite breakfast all ready to eat.

Have fun...

Until next time...

My Return to the World of Blogging

Well, here I am, back to writing out my blog posts before I post them. I finally found that free time I was looking for, so here I am.

As I write this, I am sitting in a work room with a student who is writing a social studies test. I write not with my mechanical pencil, or in my notebook from my writing bag, but with a primary pencil and an exercise book I found in the adjoining room.

I have come to realize that I have missed writing my blog. My ability to let other people know what I have been thinking... And while I have posted a few times in the past month or so, they have all been spur of the moment posts, and even then they have been few and far between. Also I have missed writing my more creative posts, such as they are.

So here it is, my glorious return to blogging. I resolve to write more, and to actually post when I do. I resolve to get back to writing creatively, and I resolve to make time for my blog; to seek out the chances for writing that I need.

I have finally figured out what kind of free time I need... The free time I need, is time I should be spending working... ie. Accounting class or when I am supposed to be closely watching a student...

So there you have it... My pledge to return from my semi-hiatus. Let us see if I can keep my promise...

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Those Romans were on to Something...

Carpe Diem... Sieze the day. Live every moment to its fullest, and never let time pass through your fingers, because it is precious and finite. Some day you will look back on your life, and wish you had done more, so don't waste it.

Dum Spiro, Spero... While I breathe I hope. I hope for the world with every breath. I hope that some day we may all be able to live together without the hate and intolerance that exists today. I hope that some day children will not have to go hungry. I hope there will someday be no need for guns.

Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo... The drop hollows the stone, not by force but by falling on it often. What better message is there than this? That it is not brute force that gets the job done, but patience and persistance. That given enough time, and enough determination, that we can truly accomplish anything.

Malum est consilium quod mutari non potest... A plan that cannot be changed is bad. This just speaks to the need for flexibility in ones plans. Things will always come up to block your plans, and if you cannot roll with the punches, than you are doomed.

Diligentia maximum etiam mediocris ingeni subsidium... Diligence is a very great help even to a person of mediocre intelligence. Basically, if you are careful in what you do, even if you are a bit of a fool, then you will do well in life. If you think through your actions, then you will usually look intelligent, regardless of your intellect.

Dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem... As long as we are among humans, let us be humane. So true, so very true... We could all do well to listen to that one.

Qui beneficium dedit, taceat; narret qui accepit... Let he who have given a favor be silent; may he who have accepted it speak of it. A good piece of advice. If you talk about the favors you have given, you look like you are throwing it in people's faces. If you talk about how someone did you a favor, you look good because you look grateful, and the other person looks good because they look kind. Everyone wins...

Qui statuit aliquid parte inaudita altera, aequum licet statuerit... One who passes sentence on something without having heard the other part is not just, even if the sentence is just. No matter what happens, you must always hear both sides of any story before you judge someone. Otherwise even if you are right, you still have not been fair, and therefore your judgement is invalid.

Tamdiu discendum est, quamdiu vivas... You live, you learn. You learn from the mistakes you make in your life as well as from the successes. Just accept that you will make those mistakes, and learn from them. To not learn from one's mistake is the biggest mistake one can make.

So in conclusion I say, Rident stolidi verba Latina... Fools laugh at the Latin language.

Until next time...