Thursday, June 01, 2006


Every group has a style of working... some of these group dynamics work well, and some do not. Many that fail, are those that lack a strong leadership. The single leader not working due to some reason, be that because they do not act, or because they act without asking the others, or for some other reason.

My question is this... Why is there a real need for a true single leader? Why is it that we cannot have a committee of equals, made up of the most qualified, that act for the rest of us. Canadian parliament works in a manner such as this, and if they were all independant, it would be exactly what I am talking about here. No one person having more power than anyone else... everyone's vote being worth the exact same.

I think the problem is that for all of this, it kind of goes back to Plato's idea of having a philosopher king, that would rule out of complete fairness and whose rule would be entirely devoted to making society better for the citizens. The problem there was that there were no philosopher kings available.

Well, we are still not in Kallipolis, so I do not know what to tell you on the large scale.

On the small scale, I suggest that maybe we can work together to make things better. If we all just stopped grabbing for power and looking out for ourselves, maybe we could see that there is a better solution for all if we just managed to agree.

Wow, I don't know where this came from...

Until next time...

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