Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Merrily I Ooze Along

I'm sure this is all a large surprise to my faithful readers, but I can't seem to care about updating this regularly. I don't know what it is about blogging that brings me to it in waves. Maybe it's just catharthsis or something, that thing I need to do every so often just to have it out of my system. I might just need to find some sort of system for this, too.

You know what though? I blame Twitter. Damned Microblogging. What I'll have to do is find a way to put my TwitterFeed on the site. That'll fix things.

Anyways, it's not looking like I'm going to get the position, and I'm probably not going to follow through on my threat, because I, sadly, was born without a spine. It's very tragic. I shall just ooze along now.

Godspeed, ladies and gentlemen. Godspeed.

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