Tuesday, December 01, 2009


I, Robert Clark, am moving away from home, within the next two weeks. I will be living elsewhere than here, where I have resided for over twenty years. I will be living in a new home, one not the only place I can ever remember living.

What the fuck is going on? I'm turning twenty-two, I'm moving away from home, I'm... Good lord, I'm turning into an adult! When the fuck did this happen? My friend is buying a house and moving in with their girlfriend of three years, and I'm barely dating, yet I'm moving out on my 'own' and ready to pay rent, and buy my own food, and I'm turning twenty-two!? My mind, dear reader, as you might suspect, is blown.

Okay, deep breath.

So yes, I'm moving out, for the first time, and I'm starting to stress now. Yes Duane, if you're reading this, you win. I really wasn't feeling it til just about now, and I'm not sure how long after the close date I'm going to be able to wait to move in. Very likely, not very long. Things though are getting crazier by the day, and I can't... It's hard to contain the excitement. There's a lot of parts of my life that I want to move forward, but they seem stuck at the moment. I see these parts of my life that have just outright stalled, and my seeming lack of interest in them, and I see this closing date as the day when I can stand up and say 'Yes, this part of my life matters now. This is my life, and I'll live it.'

I dunno. I'm probably romanticizing this move a little bit too much. But hey, we'll see. I'm running out of steam here, and seeing how it's my only real post this year, I'll close it with my usual...

Until next time...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I hate this program. Something feels really wrong about it.